For those interested in having the watchful eye of an experienced coach analyze and refine their technique in the squat, bench press, and deadlift “Powerlifting Technique Instruction” is offered. Those who compete or plan on competing in the sport of powerlifting are also educated in regards to the equipment used in the sport along with the rules. This hands-on service takes place at Iron Arena over a period of two hours and is $200. One hour sessions for single lift are $120. Group/Team rates are also available.
*Please note, you will need weightlifting shoes for this session.
Consultation may be done via telephone, FaceTime, or Facebook chat or during office hours at Iron Arena. Areas of interest that may be discussed are meet preparation, program design, and business discussion for those looking to open their own facilities/start their own training business. Consultation is pro-rated at $80/hour.
“Jason really is a master of the art and science of powerlifting and strength development. His clear and patient coaching combined with his encyclopedic knowledge and deep familiarity with optimizing athletic performance, all come together to make for a unique and exceptionally good learning experience for trainees of all levels, from beginners who are seeking to build a solid foundation to elite athletes who aim to realize their full genetic potential. As Jason says, “strength is a skill”, and it’s a skill worth developing regardless of one’s walk of life. Developing one’s strength is key not only for athletic pursuits, but also for day-to-day activities, whether picking up groceries or carrying a child. I have not crossed paths with anyone better equipped than Jason, who has both the teaching abilities and top-of-the-line equipment, to help anyone develop strength safely and effectively.
“Training with Jason has been an incredible privilege. Having worked with other coaches in the past, I was shocked at how quickly Jason was able to analyze my technique and make adjustments accordingly. Implementing his advice has resulted in some of the quickest progress I have ever made; I have lost weight while seeing substantial strength gains. I’ve been able to easily hit triples of weights I only hoped to single rep a few months ago. Jason’s understanding of body mechanics in powerlifting is second to none. Moreover, he has constantly made himself approachable for advice after training with him; his minor adjustments of my form continue to regularly improve my performance. Simply put, he epitomizes what everyone should look for in a coach”.”