A member of the 2017 and 2019 USA Powerlifting National Team, Jason Manenkoff received his Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from the State University of New York, Cortland Campus in 2005. He attained certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is a Level II Track and Field Coach certified by the USATF in the Sprint and Jump events. He has written for publications including VPX Sports, EliteFts, and "Powerlifter Today". Jason holds credentials as both a referee and coach with the United States Powerlifting Association (USPA). He is also a USA Powerlifting (USAPL) Club Coach.
During Jason's undergraduate years he excelled in Track and Field competing in the 55 meter to 400 meter sprint events as well as the Long Jump. Following graduation he continued to compete in these events. His PR's include a 10.94 in the 100 meters, 21.98 200 meters, and 22'11.75 in the Long Jump.
Jason's focus soon shifted, and his transition from Track and Field to Powerlifting was finalized in 2010 when he decided to commit himself exclusively to this sport. His best lifts include a 425 lb. bench press, 529 lb. Squat, 611 lb. Deadlift and 1510 lb. total all unequipped, without the use of knee wraps under drug tested conditions in the 165 lb. weight class. One of Jason’s most prestigious accomplishments is his bronze medal finish at the 2017 IPF Raw Bench Press World Championships. Contest and training footage may be seen on his YouTube and Instagram pages.
Jason has acquired vast and varied experience as both a internationally ranked competitive athlete, and as a Performance Coach in both the private sector and the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). It has always been Jason's goal to create a training environment for his clients/lifters that is highly conducive to results. Iron Arena Powerlifting & Performance was developed to be the absolute best place to train in Northern NJ. The atmosphere, training knowledge, and equipment are unparalleled.
“My experience with Jason Manenkoff has always been the same. He says what’s on his mind and he stands by his decisions. He expresses his knowledge with passion and every conversation leaves me with a better understanding of whatever topic we were on. With that being said, Jason has that uncanny ability to bring the fire, strength, and focus out of his clients/colleagues. Jason embodies what it means to be a true coach.
-Edwin Vera, Performance Coach, Powerlifter (198 lb. Weight Class)”